
Treaty 8 Presentation On Governance And Constitution

The Government of Canada has an aggressive legislative agenda that will impact all First Nations in Canada. We are sharing information and presentation on some of these areas including the Recognition and Implementation of Indigenous Rights Framework and proposed new Fiscal Arrangements.

The Sovereign Nations of Treaty No. 8 Chiefs and communities are in the process of developing a strategy to protect our Inherent and Treaty Rights so that Canada can no longer dictate our governance, jurisdiction and authority. In order to do this, we must develop our own constitutions.

We want to share information on the Treaty 8 Chief’s vision and provide some tools for your nation.

Sucker Creek First Nation Community Hall
September 17, 2021 at 1:00 pm

Margo Auger is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting

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Meeting ID: 875 0948 3639
Passcode: 114875 One tap mobile

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