About Us
Sucker Creek First Nation
The Sucker Creek First Nation is located on the southwestern shore of Lesser Slave Lake at Enilda, about 22 kilometers east of High Prairie, Alberta. The band has a registered population of 2,099 (as of March 2003) and almost 6,000 hectares of reserve land. Sucker Creek First Nation is a holistic, thriving and successful community operating under the principles of good governance and sustainability while meeting the needs of its membership and honouring the spirit and intent of Treaty 8.
The Sucker Creek Administration Building currently houses the offices of the Sucker Creek First Nation Chief and Council Administration, the Sucker Creek Health Centre and the sub-office of the Lesser Slave Lake Indian Regional Council. A monument was raised in honour of the Treaty VIII Centennial Commemoration in June 1999.

We will lead the development of strategies and actions to strengthen our community and improve the well-being and self-reliance of our members. Sucker Creek First Nation will strive for economic sustainability by engaging with industry partners to develop and/or promote commercial development in creating employment and training for membership in our Treaty 8 Traditional Lands. We will serve our Membership by striving for economic self-sufficiency (sustainability), preservation of our language and culture, and protection of our traditional land and treaty rights.
Considerations: Wellbeing and Empowerment

Sucker Creek First Nation members will obtain economic prosperity and continue to strengthen and preserve our Community, Culture, Language and Traditions.
Considerations: Health, Education and Protection of Treaty Rights
Seven Teachings of Natural Law
The following attributes were discussed at length in the planning workshop and are considered key foundational pieces in the future development and growth of SCFN.
“Our Nation will uphold the following Cultural Values (Natural Law) in all that we do and with all people we interact with now and in the future”.

- Pimatisiwin (Life)
- Pimacihowin (Livelihood)
- Pastahowin (Breaking laws against humans)
- Ohcinewin (Breaking laws against anything other than a human)
- Manatisiwin (Respect)
- Miyo-Opikihawasowin (Good Child Rearing)
- Wahkotowin (Kinship)
- Tapowakeyihtamowin (Faith & Spirituality)
Other Considerations: Sharing, Trust, Resilience, Unity, Integrity, Wholistic Relationships

Where do we go from here.
Over the next 3 years
Over the course of the next 3 years, Sucker Creek First Nation will implement and deliver sustainable programs, projects and services that will enhance our member and community needs in a fair and fiscally responsible manner. The Sucker Creek Chief and Council are working to improve the social, cultural and economic independence of band members and are responsible for delivery of a wide variety of programs and services to members.