Social Development


Tanis Flett
Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work, RSW
Phone- (780) 536-7919

Income Support Worker

Gail Calliou
Diploma in Social Work
Email –
Phone –
(780) 536 6374

Income Assistance

As a program of last resort, the purpose of the Income Assistance program is to:

  • Support the basic and special needs of indigent residents of First Nations reserves and their dependents.
  • Support access to services to help clients transition to and remain in the workforce.

The desired outcome of the Income Assistance Program is an improved quality of life through the alleviation of poverty and hardship on reserve so that Income Assistance clients are employable and able to secure and/or maintain attachment to the workforce.

Assisted Living

  • The Assisted Living (AL) Program is an income-dependent, residency-based program providing funding to assist in non-medical social support services to seniors, adults with chronic illness, and children and adults with disabilities (mental & physical) so that they can maintain functional independence and greater self-reliance.
  • The object of the AL Program is to ensure that non-medical social supports are accessible to low-income individuals to help maintain their independence for as long as possible.

Community-Based Initiatives

  • Family-Centered Programming